20 May . 2022
10 Important Reminders Before Moving into Your New Home
Moving is certainly very exciting, but we also understand it can by a little stressful and exhausting at the same time. Preparing for a move ahead of time will help the transition to your new home be a lot smoother. Here are our top 10 reminders to check off before moving into your new home.
1. Request Time Off
We recommend taking a few days off work before moving, the day of moving, and a few days after you move in. Trying to juggle last minute packing and moving logistics while working is a recipe for overwhelm and meltdowns. That’s why it’s important to schedule PTO and give yourself some time to move, stress free of work obligations and meetings. Possibly even declutter to make room for new household items!
2. Say Goodbye to Friends
Before moving, schedule a cookout or plan a “See you Soon” party at your favorite local restaurant. We know the saying - goodbyes aren’t forever but this is also a great chance to take advantage of a few last-minute gatherings with friends and family.
3. Pack Daily
A little bit goes a long way. As you pack, mark the boxes that hold fragile items and label each box with the room name it belongs in. This is a great opportunity to get rid of items that no longer serve you. Hello old clothes that don’t fit anymore, we’re looking at you!
4. Take Pictures of Electronics
Snap a photo of anything electronic and how the cords are plugged in. This is helpful for desktops and entertainment devices, such as TVs and gaming systems. Don’t assume that you will remember where those cords go and how to plug them in- trust us!
5. Get Your Car Serviced
If you are moving out of state, it might be best to schedule a car tune up before hitting the road. The last thing you want is your car overheating while moving. Make sure your tires have air in them, have a full tank of gas, and your inspection is up to date.
6. Research Your New City
Look up points of interest in your new city, such as local grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, and medical facilities. Do a quick Google search on these points of interest and if you are moving to a master-planned community, like Riverlights, check to see if they have any local points of interest listed on their website.
7. Disconnect and Transfer Utilities
Don’t forget to schedule utility transfers and disconnect with your power, trash, and water companies. We recommend having your power and water turned off AFTER you’ve completed your move. Having power and plumbing will be helpful in the event you have to return to your previous home.
8. Request Vet Records
Are you moving with a furry friend? Request vet records and any current medicine for when get established at a new vet. Ask your current veterinarian if they can recommend an office or provider nearby.
9. Forward Your Mail
Don’t forget to forward your mail and change your voter registration card. Don’t wait till the last minute, we recommend forwarding your mail a few days before your move.
10. Pack an Essentials Box
Last, but not least, pack an “essential move-in box” for the first few days after you move in. Things such as toiletries, cleaning supplies, medications, and snacks. This helpful box will come in handy when you are tired from moving and you have no idea where you packed your toothbrush or you’re hungry and need a quick snack.
We wish you the happiest times of packing (and unpacking) while saying goodbye to old friends and making new friends.